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Schedule Lawnmower Service Woodward OK Today

If you didn’t have a lawnmower service Woodward OK when you put your power equipment in the shed at the end of the summer, you could be asking for some problems.

Searcy Outdoor Power Plus explains that putting away your equipment before scheduling a lawnmower service Woodward OK could cause damage to your expensive lawn tractor, ride on, or push mower, especially if you forget to empty the gasoline out of the tank. Searcy Outdoor Power Plus will tell you that contaminated or old oil should be drained and replaced as well. If you have a lawnmower that doesn’t contain a drain plug Searcy Outdoor Power Plus advises that you tilt the mower on its side before draining the used oil out of the fill hole.

Even if your lawnmower was running great at the beginning of spring last year, you should have scheduled a lawnmower service Woodward OK with Searcy Outdoor Power Plus. If you didn’t call and schedule a lawnmower service Woodward OK with Searcy, who can come and pick up your equipment if you live within a 50-mile radius of the showroom and lawnmower service center, problems may occur.

According to Searcy Outdoor Power Plus, you should schedule regular lawnmower service Woodward OK for small engines once every season, or after 50 hours of use. Just like a car motor, it would be whichever comes first. You may need more frequent lawnmower service Woodward OK if you live in dusty conditions or have taller than average grass that needs to be mowed.

Searcy Outdoor Power Plus will tell you that you may notice your mower running a bit sluggish by the end of the summer. It could be caused by fuel that is oxidizing, which will attract moisture inside your carburetor eventually leading to corrosion. When you schedule regular lawnmower service Woodward OK with Searcy Outdoor Power Plus, this wouldn’t happen.

Avoid problems this spring and schedule a lawnmower service Woodward OK with Searcy Outdoor Power Plus today.

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